Tuesday June 20, 2023: The Elementary Herbalist, A Hands on Course Designed to Teach Practical Herbalism in just 5 sessions kicks off its second session for the year. Pick your class day of Tuesday, Wed, or Thursday for enrollment. We will be limiting class size to 5 participants for each of those days so that a lot of “hands on” and personal attention can be given.
Only 15 students will be allowed in this round. This class is designed for people who know little or nothing about herbal remedies but desire a functional knowledge of preparing and utilizing them. Nancy was inspired to design a course that would give rudimentary skills known by her grandparents. With a focus on herbal safety, plant ID and remedy creation, it takes the students through the body systems of immunity, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, neurology and MORE so that practical knowledge is put into a scientific context.
Taught by Nancy Herold RN, each participant will receive a manual, and all supplies included. Fee is $118 per session, however if you enroll in all five, you can get the complete course for just $499! NOTE: The first class which discusses tenants of western herbalism and the immune system as well as instructing on the completion of water based and alcohol extracts is a pre-requisite to any of the other 4 sessions. Enrollees have the option of taking the first class to see if its a good fit then deciding on others as needed or the budget allows.