Come to Learn
Become a member of The Meramec Valley Herb Guild
Guild meetings are the first Sunday of every month at 1 pm and take place in The Jenkerson Barn. They traditionally host a speaker and are followed by a sharing of members experiences with herbal practice as it relates to the subject matter. Attendees are then free to network with other members. There is no fee to join. Simply add your name to the contact list to be included as a guild member. Contact us here!
Mission Statement:
The Mission of The Meramec Valley Herb Guild is to provide networking, education and preservation of time honored herbal practices while exploring new applications for their use. Open to all who seek to increase their understanding of helpful botanicals and deepen their connection to the earth, the activities of the guild are guided by its desire to create sustainability, stewardship and community, so that the enjoyment of plant knowledge is easily preserved and able to be passed on to future generations.